Otra videoconferencia con Shepherd Elementary en NC, USA.

Nuevamente tuvimos la oportunidad de comunicarnos con esta escuela. Estuvimos hablando con chicos de PRIMERO Y QUINTO.  A veces no los entendíamos muy bien porque los más chicos hablaban bajito y sentían algo de vergüenza. Pero les pedíamos que repitan la pregunta y finalmente nos pudimos entender bien. Nos dimos cuenta que nuestros intereses y los de los chicos de allá son parecidos. Vemos los mismos canales (Disney Channel), nos gustan las mismas películas y leemos los mismos libros.

Algunos comentarios de los chicos:

Autumn said…
It was so cool that they watched High School Musical 3 and that they would watch Disney Channel!!! It was so awsome
Posted on 5/5/2009
Tyler said…
I was suprised that they learn English, Spanish, and German. (I could never do that)
Posted on 5/5/2009
Jonie said…
The Skype call went better than I would have thought. I was nervous at first but when I seen them, I seen they were just like us! They seemed like amazing kids!
Posted on 5/5/2009
Caitlin said…
Argentina was a blast although I was to shy to speak. They told us some very intresting facts about where they live and about their school. It was fun to know that they watch alot of things we do. To learn so many languages is amazing and I wish I could speak diffrent languages other than english.
Posted on 5/5/2009

Con el tema de los deportes tuvimos algunas confusiones, fútbol, soccer etc. En la próxima videoconferencia tenemos que explicar mejor que es el “Handball”…

Cody said…
I think one of the reasons why they had the bad weather is because alot of rain and the phone call was a really good experince. I hope the 4 graders this year will get to do the same thing we did as 5th graders. I was wondering if they ever played football and one of the sports the play is hotball. Hotball was cool to learn about, the aslo play soccer.
Walker said…
I really want to learn hotball
Posted on 5/6/2009

En los siguientes LINKS el relato de la escuela  Shepherd Elementary (en inglés) de las videoconferencias con nuestra escuela:

Información de la segunda videoconferencia:


Información de la primera videoconferencia;


¿Qué aprendimos de las videoconferencias con esta escuela?